Industry 4.0
In the Industry 4.0 section of the Pepperl+Fuchs blog, you will find everything you need to know about IIoT applications and how you can seamlessly transmit valuable information such as status, position, and diagnostic information from your machines and systems to a wide variety of software systems. Whether hybrid or complete IIoT system, we support you in setting up your Industry 4.0 topology. Smart sensor technology and the associated infrastructure components enable end-to-end data transmission from the field level to the cloud.

Industry 4.0
In the Industry 4.0 section of the Pepperl+Fuchs blog, you will find everything you need to know about IIoT applications and how you can seamlessly transmit valuable information such as status, position, and diagnostic information from your machines and systems to a wide variety of software systems. Whether hybrid or complete IIoT system, we support you in setting up your Industry 4.0 topology. Smart sensor technology and the associated infrastructure components enable end-to-end data transmission from the field level to the cloud.

Four TCP-based Communication Protocols That Are Key to IIoT—Part 4: REST API
IIoT-capable devices are needed to implement smart networking structures. There are various IIoT protocols available. Learn in this blog article what is REST API or a RESTful interface, its interoperability, security, implementation, and usage.
Four TCP-based Communication Protocols That Are Key to IIoT—Part 3: AMQP
Find out more about the key features of the interoperable asynchronous publish/subscribe communication protocols AMQP. We take a closer look at the interoperability, real-time behaviour, security, implementation, and typical applications of AMQP compared to MQTT.
Four TCP-based Communication Protocols That Are Key to IIoT—Part 2: OPC UA
Tcp-based communication protocols enable smart communication all the way to the cloud. Learn more about the interoperability, real-time behavior, security, implementation, and application of OPC UA.
Four TCP-Based Communication Protocols That Are Key to IIoT—Part 1: MQTT
What is MQTT and how does it work? Learn all about the interoperability, real-time behavior, security, implementation, and applications of MQTT.
PROFINET Gateways for Remote I/O Systems—Spotlight on Four PROFINET Functions
PROFINET makes your installed device base and control technology compatible with IIoT applications. The PROFINET gateways for the LB and FB remote I/O systems from Pepperl+Fuchs offer four relevant PROFINET functions for plants that require high availability. Learn more about the benefits of PROFINET for remote I/O systems.
Intelligent Valve Control with IO-Link in Conveyor Technology
Pneumatic valves are widely used in material handling systems. Learn how IO-Link valve connectors from Pepperl+Fuchs can make standard valves smart and add value to your application.
Easy Integration of MODBUS Serial Devices into the Cloud
MODBUS networks are widely used in industrial automation processes. Learn how to connect your MODBUS serial devices to industrial Ethernet networks and the cloud with the serial gateways of the DeviceMaster® series.
How to Easily Implement Intrinsic Safety with Ethernet-APL
In the definition of Ethernet-APL, intrinsic safety is an integral component which enables all market participants to use this type of protection worldwide and to operate devices of any manufacturer in a network. Learn more about the ease of realizing an intrinsically safe Ethernet-APL network with just three steps.
Ethernet-APL—8 FAQs about Plant Performance with Digital Communication
Ethernet-APL enables continuous communication and fast data transmission from the field level to the process control system and the cloud. As with all modern technologies, questions also arise. We answer eight frequently asked questions about the plant performance with digital communication and what users should look for when building an Ethernet-APL network.
Changeover from ASi Gateway K20 to KE5: IIoT-Ready In 3 Steps
The multiprotocol-capable AS-Interface gateway type KE5 makes your AS-Interface network ready for IIoT applications. Learn how to switch from the legacy type K20 ASi gateway with PROFINET interface to the IIoT-ready ASi-3 gateway KE5 in three steps.
When Does it Make Sense to Use a Vibration Sensor?
Pepperl+Fuchs recently launched a new portfolio of sensors for vibration monitoring. In this blog article, you will learn more about how vibration sensors work. Learn how you can use these sensors to monitor the condition of your machines and perform predictive maintenance.
Ethernet-APL Simply Explained—How Parallel Communications Work
Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer, Ethernet-APL for short, is the physical layer for transmitting data into the field of process plants. Learn how parallel communication works today and what possible options there are to access data.
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